Lady Akia Manto

Akane and Sukimi were born to the King and Queen of the Golden Palace. Akane enjoyed leading Sukimi on adventures around the castle. They were both incredibly happy children and always attached at the hip. However she was always more courageous than Sukimi. When they were five she wanted to sneak out of the castle but Sukimi was too scared to follow. Akane decided to go on her own. However, while she was alone the BBEG kidnapped her. She was never rescued. The BBEG took her in as his own daughter. But life as his daughter was not easy. He put her through rigorous training and torturous experiments. Through his rituals she grew horns, a tail and even gained his dark magical abilities. She tried to escape multiple times. However, the rituals performed on her created a magical tie between her and the BBEG. With this tie, if she tries to escape he can torture her or even kill her. Once she realized her family was never coming back for her she renamed herself Akia Manto.

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