
The following pages documents the registration process required to utilize the Isekaiverse Marketplace

In-order to utilize the Isekaiverse Marketplace or Community Marketplace, you must first register an account.

Here is a written walk through of how to register with the website. This is required if you plan to interact with anything in our ecosystem.

If you are using an iOS device, please ensure you are using chrome or a browser other than safari. The team is working hard to integrate more wallets, however for now, please only use trust wallet or Metamask.

  1. Head over the

  2. Click the login button

  3. Once you click log in, a pop-up screen will appear, right below the login button, you will see sign up, click that

  4. This will open a new screen, please fill out all the areas, the username that you make will also be used in the game.

  5. Once you have filled in all the info, you will see two connect wallet options, Metamask or wallet connect. Follow the usual steps to connect your wallet. Please confirm you are connecting with polygon chain.

  6. You will know your wallet connect was successful because when you go back to the website screen, the button will now display your wallet

  7. Click create account, once you do that you will be sent a verify email, as well has a disclaimer will pop for you to approve

  8. Verify your email, once you have successfully verified you will know because it will redirect you to the website

  9. Login

If you experience any issues connecting. Make sure you have done the following

  • Clear wallet browser cache

  • Clear browser cache

  • Make sure you are connecting with POLYGON chain

  • Make sure your browser and wallet are fully updated

  • Make sure you don't have ads blockers on

  • Try using a different device

Last updated