Princess Sukimi

Sukimi and her inseparable twin sister Akane were born to the King and Queen of the Golden Palace. However, at the age of five, Akane was kidnapped. The King attempted to rescue Akane but died during the rescue mission. After these tragic events, the Queen grew overprotective of Sukimi. Sukimi was never allowed outside the castle walls and her movements and actions inside were constantly recorded. Any misstep was reported to the Queen and resulted in severe punishment. Princess Sukimi spent dawn to dusk training in defensive magic. The Queen even had surprise trials for Sukimi. She would appoint guards to act as intruders and attempt to kidnap Princess Sukimi in her sleep. If Princess Sukimi failed to escape from the “invaders,” she would be shut inside her room for a week. Due to these tests, Sukimi developed severe insomnia. However, she did not spend her punishment being bored; she would sneak into the library and steal books to read late into the night. She also bribed guards to bring her toys and other fun trinkets. When the Queen realized that the knights were going easy on Sukimi, the Queen appointed High Elf Lady Aloysia as her new teacher. Lady Aloysia was tough on Sukimi in training, but a good friend to her outside of the training grounds.

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