Lady Katakana
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The dark elves were forced underground after a great civil war many centuries ago. A lot of pressure is put on dark elf children to become strong soldiers and reclaim their land. Lady Katakana grew up in a large and noble dark elf family. Her parents put immense pressure on all of their children to succeed. She had to work twice as hard to stand out. Lady Katakana would stay up late studying and she would sneak above ground to train. Lady Akia Manto discovered her training one night. Akia Manto challenged Lady Katakana to spar. Lady Akia Manto was strong but Lady Katakana better understood how to make use of her terrain. It was a draw. The two of them bickered about who truly won. They soon became regular sparring partners, and eventually good friends. After a while Lady Akia Manto stopped showing up for training, and the two didn’t talk for many years. Lady Katakana spent time as a soldier, as all dark elves must serve time in their army. As a soldier, her intellect and skill as a strategist did not go unnoticed. One of her superiors promoted her to an advisor in the Dark Elves’ war council. She was young, with little experience, so her wisdom was often overlooked. She was frequently spoken over. After many years of no contact, Lady Akia Manto returned. It was noticeable how much she had grown, not just from age, but from the increased training and experiments. Lady Akia Manto asked Lady Katakana to join her as her own personal advisor. Lady Katakana was frustrated with her own council and excited to reunite with her friend. So she agreed on the condition that the interests of the Dark Elves always be taken into consideration. Now she works as Lady Akia Manto’s personal advisor. She works to make Lady Akia Manto’s dreams a reality and to improve the lives of her people